A little while ago I was in conversation with a friend who is a Health Professional and we were talking about various things like Cars, Dior, Tiffany. You know the basic 'seekers'of modern day conversation that lure us to what is just a statement of art really. I find it interesting that as women we are so well educated about style and that all of our opinions are correct, because it is such a subjective topic, beauty that is. I feel it truly is the “eye of the beholder”.
Our talk drifted onto spas/ massage and then my friend mentioned a Dr. Sha and a seminar that Dr. Sha was hosting. Dr. Sha -- hmm, I thought, and then blurted out “you mean the Acupuncturist Master Sha? I don’t think there could be another Dr. Sha just like there is only one "Cavelli" right? My friend replied “No, no Rena you wouldn't know Dr. Sha; he lives in Santa Barbara and is a world renowned healer. Tall Chinese Man right? I quipped. My friend looked at me nose and eyes scrunched up, perplexed at my insisting that I would have a story that included the wit and charm of Master Sha.
Master Sha lived in Vancouver B. C. in the early nineties (1995), for a couple of years I believe and he was my first experience with Acupuncture. He blew into town and then out of town again and I've never heard of him since, and quite often wondered what happened to this Man with an energy field that literally vibrated around him.
You have to understand in Asian politeness and respect the term “Master” is used to identify a person who has accomplished a certain level of skill and honor within his field of interest. Master Sha is a Master Acupuncturist but in addition to this he is a Medical doctor as well. Also, he is tall. I am 5’8” and I looked up to him.
I was having some health issues and Master Sha used Acupuncture to help heal me. I have had other Acupuncture treatments over the years, but honestly nothing like my experience with Master Sha. His needles were a longer in length and thinner in comparison to other sessions I have had. I am indebted to him along with a couple of other Healers I met along my healing curve, but make no mistake there really is only one Dr. Sha.
To meet Master/Dr. Sha was to see a human being smiling, brilliant who reminded you of a child running through a field at full tilt. His charm and beaming energy is only paralleled by his calling to be a Doctor and a Healer. He was the first “Master” I met and he was my own personal gauge I have used through time with my introductions to other healers.
When you met Master Sha he looked into your eyes and took a reading that was unique to him. He spoke very softly, and the contact was so clear, you could hear him on a level that I really can’t articulate that well in written form. He is a very kind and compassionate Man and passionate in his healing work. Mixed in with this he laughed a lot and had a quick wit in his conversation with you.
My Mom and Dad went to Master/Dr. Sha as well for Acupuncture and even went on to visit a couple of his soul study classes. My Mom of course bought three of his books for me and two of them are autographed.
I googled Master Sha and see that he is called Master/Dr. Sha now and has a website with various areas of interest to do with expanding your own healing energies. He has his own form of Medicine which is called Zhi Neng medicine, and it works on the premise that we can do a lot of healing ourselves. There are several books and events of interest to look at on his website:
In his book Sha’s Golden Healing Ball – on the first page is written:
To all who seek healing…
May you be healed
isn't that a lovely thought?....
Have a beautiful day,
Photo: 'yellow trees' PKM
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