Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Connecting the dots.

I was having a conversation with a friend about turning dreams into reality. "If you think about it in a scientific matter you would need to  break your thoughts down into a system."

I didn't say that part - my friend did. 

My idea was that art and science rub shoulders all the time in the creative mind. Insight without action is just half of a picture. I like to think that insight belongs to the spark of joy that creates art.  The action part of the equation belongs with the scientific half.

My point being is that these two halves need each other to tell a complete story. 

If you find yourself stuck with an idea create a action step no matter how small to keep yourself moving forward. It could be as small as just writing the heading for your next chapter. Taking action steps will turn your dream into reality.

Headed down to Portland Oregon last month and took advantage of Alexandra Franzen tiny book writing workshop. It was positively scrumptious. Thanks Alex for a awe inspiring experience.

Melding science with art  - Jer Thorpe artist, educator, thinker does just that.

Finding your way is worth the adventure.  

Have a beautiful day,

Remember to breathe.

