Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fun sayings, positive affirmations and powerful quotes.

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.

~Joseph Campbell  (1904-1987)
  American author and editor

Cheerfulness is an offshoot of goodness and wisdom.

~Christian Nestell Bovee  (1820-1904)
  American author and lawyer

A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.

~Aesop  (c. 620BC - c. 560BC)
  Greek fabulist and author

This is one of my favorite positive statements affirmations:

You are receiving thousands of messages from the Universe every single day. Learn to become aware of this communication from the Universe, who is speaking to you and guiding you in every moment.  There are no accidents and no coincidences.  Every sign you notice, every word you hear spoken, every color, every scent, every sound, every event and situation is the Universe speaking to you, and you are the only one who knows their relevance to you, and what the communication is saying.

Use your eyes to see!  Use your ears to listen!  Use all of your senses, because you are receiving communication through them all.

Rhonda Byrne
Creator "The Secret"

Here is an excerpt from the book, How to Be Rich ~ Compact Wisdom from the World's Greatest Wealth-Builders.

Visualization:  Turning the Mind into a Magnet.

There is a power that is creative, that operates everywhere; a power that is destined to life every created thing up to the peak of its possibilities. This power is latent in your, awaiting expression, awaiting your cooperation to realize your ambition. The first step toward utilizing it is to visualize the ideal of what you want to make real, the ideal of the man or the woman you aim to be, and the things you want to do.  Without this initial step the further process of creating is impossible.

Great discoverers, scientists, explorers, philanthropists, inventors, philosophers, who have pushed the world forward and done immeasurable service for humanity - such as Columbus, Goodyear, Fulton, Edison, Bell - have visualized their dreams.  They have nursed their visions through long years, many of them in the midst of poverty, persecution, ridicule and opposition of all sorts, until they brought their dreams to earth and made them realities.

In making a study of the methods of successful men and women, I have found that they are almost invariably strong and vivid visualizers of the things they are trying to accomplish.  They are intense working as well as dreamers, and nurse their vision tenaciously until they match it with reality.  They build castles in the air, but they put the solid foundation of reality under them.

(From The Key to Prosperity: Conquering Poverty Thinking 1922,  by Orison S. Marden, edited by David Morgan, 2004)

A lovely quote by author, Louise L. Hay ~ an excerpt from her book, Heart Thoughts.

The moment

you say affirmations,

you are stepping out

of the victim role.

You are

no longer


You are


your own 


Have a beautiful day.

Remember to breathe,

Photo: PKM



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