Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fun sayings, positive affirmations and powerful quotes:

Life is what happens to you when you’re making other plans.

~Betty Talmadge, b.1924

American meat broker

It is easy to be independent when you’ve got money. But to be independent when you haven’t got a thing-that’s the Lord’s test.

~Mahalia Jackson (1911-1972)

American gospel singer

I see no reason to keep silent about my enjoyment of the sound of my own voice as I work.

~Muriel Spark b. 1918

Scottish writer

Light tomorrow with today!

~Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1851)

English poet

This is one of my favorite positive affirmations statements:

The things that come most quickly into your life are the things that you BELIEVE in the most. You can only bring to you what you BELIEVE, so you must BELIEVE to receive what you want.

~Rhonda Byrne

Creator of “The Secret”

Here is an excerpt from Deepak Chopra M.D. book, Creating Affluence~Wealth Consciousness in the Field Of all Possibilities

“G” stands for Gratitude, Generosity, God, gap, and goal. Gratitude and generosity are natural attributes of an affluent consciousness. Since the only thing to go after is the best, the principle of the highest first, why not adopt God as the role model ? After all, no one is more affluent than God, for God is the field of all possibilities.

There is a precise mechanism through which all desires can be manifested.

These four steps are as follows:

Step one: You slip into the gap between thoughts. The gap is the window, the corridor, the transformational vortex through which the personal psyche communicates with the cosmic psyche.

Step two: You have a clear intention of a clear goal in the gap.

Step three: You relinquish your attachment to the outcome, because chasing the outcome or getting attached to it entails coming out of the gap.

Step four: You let the universe handle the details.

It is important to have a clear goal in your awareness, but it is also important to relinquish your attachment to the goal. And the goal is in the gap, and the gap is the potentiality to organize and orchestrate the details required to affect any outcome.

Perhaps you recall an instant when you were trying to remember a name, and you struggled, but with no success. Finally, you let go of your attachment to the outcome, and then a little while later the name flashed across the screen of your consciousness. This is the mechanics for the fulfillment of any desire.

When you were struggling to recall the name, the mind was very active and turbulent. But ultimately, out of fatigue and frustration, you let go and the mind became quiet and slowly quieter- perhaps so quiet that it was almost still – and you slipped into the gap where you released your desire, and soon it was handed to you. This is the true meaning of “Ask and you shall receive,” or “Knock and the door shall be opened to you.”

One of the easiest and most effortless ways of slipping into the gap is through the process of meditation. And there are many forms of meditation and prayer that can help us to manifest dreams from the level of gap.

Have a beautiful day,

Photo: ‘flowing thought’ PKM




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