Thursday, November 4, 2010

Reserved for Winners with positive affirmations

What a interesting day I had. It started out with a list of to do’s and woven throughout the day were smiles and laughter. I began my day taking my car in to get the oil changed and I took along my book “Eat, Pray, Love” to read. Passed the keys and the car over, grabbed a complimentary coffee and settled into my reading. I am in India in the book now and the author is in the Ashram that she specifically went to in the hopes of getting some inner awakening. I was thinking about positive affirmations and well, I thought some great thoughts myself, on how destiny, fate and free will can be intertwined and that projecting positive thoughts are a really useful tool.

Then, my car was ready. I could have actually sat there longer, with reading and thinking. The good news was for the first time, with this car only the oil had to be changed. Usually the technician comes out with papers and a stern look and gives me the bad news in dollars and cents. I actually have become quite good at “guesstimating” or feeling what a new part will cost with labor. This is something I have acquired over time being the owner of "Ginger" that is my cars name. When something breaks (like a serpentine belt) and I am waiting for the tow truck I already feel its $700, dont ask me why but I do.

I am now in my car driving and my girlfriend phones me and I click my handsfree head set to say hi and she starts singing happy birthday to me. Which is great, but its not my birthday for another month. Half way through, she stops and says “its not your birthday is it”, and oh my gosh we laughed so hard. It made my whole day. We had a wonderful long overdue conversation and I told her I would call her back next month on my birthday.

I get home and there are phone messages and the second message is from another girlfriend and she is singing into my message machine “happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you” and I am like shaking my head laughing. I click on the next message and it is my same girlfriend saying “Its not December is it? And now she is laughing so hard in the message and Im laughing again listening to her laughter.

I pick up some mail to go out from my desk and grab my lotto ticket I bought last week on the fly. On my way to the mailbox I stop by the local store and check my ticket and the machine says that I won $1000. The retail clerk says that one thousand dollars is above their payout limit and that I have to drive to the lotto office for my winnings. So, being that it’s my birthday and all I did just that.

When I pulled into the Lottery Corp. parking entrance, there are six stalls with signs that read the following. “Reserved for Winners”. I took a big winning smile moment and said to myself “that’s me”, I am a Winner! You just cannot imagine what a rush that was to read those signs and give permission to call myself a winner. I think I want to have one made up for my at home parking stall. You see. It wasn’t the money. It was the feeling. It was the acknowledgement of “self” that made the moment. Yes the money was fantastic to receive, but I have to tell you it really reinforced for me the importance of focusing your thoughts on pleasant things.

What a wonderful crazy, zany day, so grateful I have such kind loving friends and to be blessed with waves of laughter all day long.

Have a beautiful day,

Photo: 'the long view' PKM



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